Thursday, April 25, 2013

             Dear Mom and Dad,
                       Experiencing China has been so exciting! It has been a great and interesting
                       opportunity! In my time here I have expierenced the awful book burnings, i
                       tried out the new way of standerdization, and there has been talk of a new wall
                       that is going to be put up to protect the people of the Qin dynasty from Korea.
                      Experiencing the book burnings has been very horrific. I have seen scholars being
                      taken out of their homes and led to their death of a live burial with many others. It has
                      been awful and horrific to watch. I try to keep a low profile during these times and say
                      positive things about emperor Qin Shi Huang when i have the opportunity. Experencing
                      these times have been ver hard and emotionally scarring.
                      Being able to live in the new way of standerdization I have realiezed how much easier
                      it is. Everything seems more peaceful, and trading has greatly increased, and
                      communication ahs become much easier. Standerdizing the basic forms of measurment,
                      currency, writing, and weights has made trading easier because people can
                      communicate easier. No matter where you ar ein China you will be able to
                      communicate with whoever you want as loong as they live here and know the standard
                      language. Standerdizing the basic measurments, and forms of communication has
                      made a lot of things easier.
                      There has been talk of a new wall going up! This is very exciting. People have been
                       talking of putting up a new wall to protect the Qin Dynasty from Korea. People have
                       been calling it the "The Great Wall". It is Suppose to strech along the North West side
                       of the dynasty, and be so tall and strong that nobody will be able to go through or over
                       it. It is a very exciting event to look forward to in the Qin Dynasty!


The Qin Dynasty was in South East China.
 The Qin Dynasty is enclosed on the south west side. "The Yellow river and Yangteze were
major rivers in the Qin dynasty, it was one of the main sources of transportation and
food in the Qin Dynasty" ( "The Gobi and Taklimakan deserts were also natural barriers,  these  natraul barriers prevented Mongolians and Tadzhik's from entering north and west as well"  ( The Qin dynasty was broken into many states and was bordered the South Sea, the East Sea and the Bohai Sea. 

Qin Shi Huang: First emperor of China. Standardized measurements,
language, forms of writing, and weights.  

Standardization: In the Qin Dynasty the first emperor Qin Shi Huang 
standardized all forms of currency.

Book Burnings: Emperor Qin Shi Huang burned the scholars and
books. He burned  the books because he felt that books were influencing creativity.

 Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Tomb: In Emperors Qin Shi Huang's tomb his people 
made clay statues to put in there to protect him in the after life. 

The Great Wall of China: The great wall of China was built during the end
of the Qin dynasty. It was built to keep the Koreans out of China. It was a strong built wall
 so nobody could get through it or over it. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


By: Lily Stevenson

It is the year 237 B.C and Emperor Qin Shi Huang has standardized all of China's basic measurements, currency, and forms of writing! Because of all of this a lot of things have been more peaceful. Trading has increased, because any where you trade in China you will get equal amounts of your product. Standardizing writing has mad e communication easier between people. No matter where your are at in China we all  have the same form of writing so you can communicate with each other in the same form of writing and language. This has also increased trading people can communicate with each other no matter where they are trading in China. Also standardizing weights and measurements helped everything become equal.

Standardizing the basic skills/needs in China has made the people more happy and the community's more  peaceful. This was an excellent idea on China's first emperors [Qin Shi Huang] part. It was a great idea. Evreybody is more happy and peaceful. Trading has grown greatly which is bringing in more income. (