Thursday, April 25, 2013


Qin Shi Huang: First emperor of China. Standardized measurements,
language, forms of writing, and weights.  

Standardization: In the Qin Dynasty the first emperor Qin Shi Huang 
standardized all forms of currency.

Book Burnings: Emperor Qin Shi Huang burned the scholars and
books. He burned  the books because he felt that books were influencing creativity.

 Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Tomb: In Emperors Qin Shi Huang's tomb his people 
made clay statues to put in there to protect him in the after life. 

The Great Wall of China: The great wall of China was built during the end
of the Qin dynasty. It was built to keep the Koreans out of China. It was a strong built wall
 so nobody could get through it or over it. 

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